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Urban Downhill in India?

July 15th, 2020 12:00am

Urban Downhill in India?

When you think mountain biking, the mind usually goes to Whistler, Sedona, North Shore, Squamish, Colorado or a plethora of European cities that host world cup events, have significant bike parks and produce prodigious amounts of bike related content. But mountain biking is spreading and when I mention India as a rising star it makes a lot of people scratch their heads. Through one of my LinkedIn contacts (Ashish) I have made some acquaintances in India and other mountain bike developing countries. This video came from Ashish and MTB Himilaya and it is all about the type of people that stoke the mountain bike world and are pushing the growth in their country.

This video is India's version of an Urban Downhill. It makes me smile because we are getting to witness a country on the door step of blowing up mountain biking in their country.

Starting at 8000ft in elevation, they call this run the Shimla Urban Downhill.

The video shows the innocence of purely loving to ride without all the fancy stuff and media hype. This is a snap shot of mountain biking in India and more importantly urban downhill in India as of today - 2020. Notice the lack of long travel bikes, insane drops over passing dogs and huge hucks? It doesn't matter, this is the passion that built this sport and it fires me up to see these guys doing this today.

So check it out. Enjoy the ride, and lets all love our brothers and sister on whatever side of the pond they are on for living the dream.



If you want to see more about mountain biking in India and the region the MTB Himalaya has a FACEBOOK Page

you can follow and communicate with. They even have an ultra endurance event called the HERO Himalaya that should be on anyones bucket list that likes to suffer endless climbs in the rarest of air. Epic..


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