October 7th, 2011 5:58pm
As a fellow cyclist, I want to thank those of you who made it to the city discussion regarding the closure of Via Linda (145th) street. Personally unable to attend, I got word from the city that the discussion on both sides of the table where very professional and well mannered
That said, the result of the meeting is that the sub committee that presided over the discussion is making the recommendation to the transportation committee that the easement (the road) be closed to bike traffic. Here are the cliff notes version of the meeting, and history and situation as best as I understand it. This is not a dead issue and cyclists options follow further down below.
1) The road (commonly referred to as Via Linda is actual 145th St. and is an easement) is on private land. The City owns the rights to the easement.
2) The City can open and close the easement to the public at their will. Any decision that does get passed down can be reversed at any time.
3) The housing development was originally granted the building permits based with the stipulation that the road built was an easement that the City of Scottsdale held the rights to.
4) The HOA of the development that owns the land claims to have put the speed bumps on street to slow traffic both auto and bike.
5) The easement was originally set to connect on through to Fountain Hills. If the city of Fountain Hills will complete their part of the easement, the easement would be open and no further discussion would be held on the matter. The City of Scottsdale is trying to work with the city of Fountain Hills to get a completion for the easement done. But this may take some time.
6) The HOA's other arguments are that cyclists have on occassion become confrontational with home owners, that bicyclist's urinate behind the houses at the top of the street and the street was not designed as a training ground for riders.
7) The City of Scottsdale is looking at alternative routes in which to create a reasonably cost effective bike connector route through to Fountain Hills.
The recommendation that goes to the Transportation committee will be heard in a public forum on October 20th, 2011 at the Scottsdale City Hall. This is the meeting where the decision will be made. This is where you need to be. Each person will have the opportunity to be heard for 3min. If you are one of those people that is tired of not being heard. This is your chance to voice your opinion. Since you have only 3 min. Prepare a well thought out statement and practice it. Be professional, be calm but stay passionate.
You can also call/email the Transportation committee members and let them know your position before the meeting on the 20th. (You would be surprised how much more fulfillling it is to actually speak with someone personally).
Here is the link to the committee members, meeting address etc - http://www.scottsdaleaz.gov/boards/Trans
For direct links you can also use the two people listed below in the original story.
I recommend that the move to suspend cyclists on the road be rejected so that the pressure to make an alternative route remains. Without pressure, there is no incentive to find a solution.
Please at least send an email or make the call if you can not attend the meeting.
Okay Scottsdale, Fountain Hills and Phoenix area bike riders it is time to be heard and do something for the sport you love.
In case you haven't heard - and I am sure you haven't - the neighborhood on the end of Via Linda Rd - a very popular ride in town - have been behind the scenes trying to block bike rider access on this public street. And like the photo says, on Thursday September 22, 2011 - 6:00 pm, there is a hearing being held at the Via Linda Senior Center to vote on this issue. We need every rider in the greater Phoenix area to show up and show support for our side.
Below is the contact information for the city planners. IF you cannot make it to the meeting please email them or call them and voice your support for rider access. Their contact information in included at the bottom of this story.
Here is the issue.
As an avid rider, I have watched as this neighborhood built gates to their DEAD END street. They have even added speed bumps on the road - a road that goes up hill. I am not sure if the speed bumps have been paid for with taxpayer dollars but I don't believe the residents banned together to pay for these.
If speed bumps on a dead end street that goes up hill (yes it does go down in the other direction) are not a sure sign they don't like bikes, maybe the multiple reflectors glued onto the curb surrounding the speed bumps so bikes can't ride around them is an indicator. I have never seen this on any speed bump or "traffic calming" measure anywhere.
If this street gets closed to bikers - access for mountain bikes who ride the bypass and triple bypass loop will be gone and all the new trail work that the McDowell preserve has done in recent years will be interrupted permanently. For roadies, this hill is one of the few we have in the entire valley of any length and it is one of the more safe rides we have.
So if you want to get active and support riding - please attend the meeting, call or email. A small action is all that is required and it means a lot to all of us.
Share this page link with others too please. It is this Thursday!
Meeting location
Via Linda Senior Center
10440 E. Via Linda
Scottsdale AZ
6:00 pm -7:00 pm
City Contacts
Reed Kempton
Principal Transportation Planner
Susan Conklu
Transportation Planner
Location: News >> Scottsdale neighborhood tries to try block bike access. Be heard!