September 8th, 2014 8:32pm
Okay, the last thing you think we would need is another Whistler Video right? Especially since we just got to enjoy Crankworx, and all their video contests, yada yada yada. You get the picture.
Them for some reason I was snooping around and found this recent release by Remy. Now, I know most of the hot kids and pride myself on being on the pulse somewhat, but completely blew it with this kid. He can ride and its quite obvious he knows Whistler like the back of his hand. But no matter how well you know a trail, i promise there are only a hand full of riders who could do what Remy does to these trails.
I am not overly impressed with the camera work and really not a big fan of rap that continually repeats the "N" word but the riding on this video is SOOO worth it. I recommend turning the music down and hit the Full Screen Button. Your going to want to watch this a couple of times....
Remy Metailler burns the Whistler Bike Park from chris ricci on Vimeo.
Location: News >> Remy Metailler Burns Whistler Bike Park