October 5th, 2015 9:07pm
While Pivot bikes is not stranger to the video world thank you very much Bernard Kerr and his serious style and skill set, it is good to see some other riders out there on the Arizona Manufacturers rig that can tear it up. Introducing Spencer Green and C4H Media. We don't really know who either of these people are, but they hook up in this little mtb video called One Run and as movie critic they did a nice piece. Good score and editing and some interesting camera movements and shots. Sure they cut off the poor kids head several times, but hey no one is perfect. This is a good piece to watch because of all the good things just mentioned. It won't win an academy award, but then, I'm no real critic.
Pivot Cycles One Run from C4H MEDIA on Vimeo.
Location: News >> Pivot Shredder Spencer Green - One Run Video