March 15th, 2012 6:02pm
Do we really need another excuse to ride our bikes or travel? Yes. I really like how the South Americans are taking this shit seriously. First urban downhill that is off the hook and now their own version of the Mega Avalanche. This PaipaValanche in Columbia has some big cash up for grabs that should lure endurance rippers like Mark Weir and Jason Moeschler away from their momma's boob. But for the rest of us...hell yeah, let's go. Take a sickie, pack your bags and be quick about it, the race is next week.
A los ciclomontañistas los queremos invitar.......el 25 de Marzo al primer Paipavalanche !!!!!
Race Information: Toda la información del evento en
Sing UP here - Preinscripciones en
Organizan: Pablo Mazuera y Cesar Fuertes.
Sponsors: Invitan: Alcaldía de Paipa, Equipo Specialized-Tugo 2012, Specialized Colombia, Colsubsidio.
Location: News >> Mega Avalanche in Columbia