July 9th, 2012 4:07pm
We love to be the bearer of good news. Especially when it means you can save $1500 on what is arguably one of the finest bikes made.
Ellsworth Bikes, as part of their celebration for the Fourth of July and fully supporting their American Made heritage - are offering a FREE HUGE upgrade to a top of the line XTR build kit to anyone buying one of their XT equipped rigs. That gets you a ton of bike and probably one of the finest performing bikes in the world. Did we mention it was also HANDCRAFTED by an artisan here in the USA? So while the Tour de Whatever may be on he tube, the real excitement is getting your hands on one of these rigs at this special price. This offer is only good for July so make haste because the Chinese are coming, the Chinese are coming. (See Details Below)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA – Service to our country makes the USA great!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA – Service to our country makes the USA great! In celebration with the anniversary of the birth of our nation, we at Ellsworth would like to thank all of those who work each day to give something back to our community and country.
DO YOU SERVE? If you are a member of our military, a police officer, fire fighter or a member of any civil service organization we are talking to you. If you are a teacher, mentor, build trails, boy scout, girl scout or a scout leader we are talking to you. If you help the injured, the ill or the elderly, this is for you.
SAVE UP TO $1500.00. During the month of July, buy a complete Shimano XT equipped Ellsworth Truth, Epiphany, Evolve or Evolution for $5295.00, and get a FREE upgrade up grade to XTR. A $1500 VALUE
Since these Ellsworth frames are 100% MADE IN THE USA with American made Fox suspension we are supporting the American economy with each and every bike sold.
Please check our web site AT www.ellsworthbikes.com, or contact us at 760-788-7500 for the location of your closest Ellsworth dealer.
Location: News >> Ellsworth Bikes - Celebrates Independence with some Killer deals