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Bicycle World TV Team Updates

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Well 2017 is here and as we enter the season we will be having several new sponsors. More importantly is that our racer count has started to grow again after a couple of years of not agressively trying to push it. We have always been about quality over quantity and so for the new year we will have a tidy little group of racers. Some pro, some not so pro. All great sport embassadors.


This year we have a full time racer in Costa Rica. His name is Andres Camacho. He is relatively new to the sport but super stoke to have found the sport. In his first year he has already completed two century long mountain bike races with grueling climbs. Each event Andres is cutting massive amounts of time off of his race runs. Andres will be reporting on the exploding endurance scene in central america for us and flying the Bicycle World TV colors.


Just as we are selective with the personnel we let race on our team, so it goes with sponsors. While some of our team mates have completed in La Ruta and others just enjoy the racing, we all know and appreciate good products. Products that give us good value and give us the best chance at success.  We feel life is too short to use crappy products and thus, pick the best of the best. If you want to try any of these products, please contact Bicycle World TV or the manufacturers directly (and tell them Bicycle World TV sent you). You have our word that you will be pleased.

 We will be blogging here if you want to follow along with us . If you want to be one of us, you can contact us through the site and tell us your story briefly. If you are Bicycle World TV material, we would like to have you join us and report from your local scene.







March 20th, 2017 10:57am

Bicycle World TV is proud to have taken on the role of title sponsor for the 2011 racing season. Growing on last years innagural success the team has attracted more elite and cat 1 riders.

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Bicycle World TV Race Team crushes the competiton at McDowell Mt - in the MBAA Opener  JANUARY 22, 2011It may be too early to call it a tradition, but saying that the signs are ominous would not be a stretch.

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It's time to play catch up on our Race reports now that the flurry of racing has taken a short break. Since our last major update, team members from Bicycle World have hit the rugged trails of Estrella Mtn.

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2011 Sea Otter - Revisited

March 20th, 2017 10:19am

The 2011 Sea Otter Classic is behind us and for this edition we had but one team member waiving the flag for the Bicycle World race team. Keith Wilson attacked the Clydesdale's on Sunday morning after preriding the course with yours truly on Friday.

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NOVEMBER 7. 2010 

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SCULTNG DIRT - The unsung heroes of Joyride  In the Bicycle World we get flooded by images of killer jumps, tricks and people from slopestyle events around the globe.

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