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Attend Burning Man as a bike repair helper! Learn how...

May 15th, 2019 12:00am

Attend Burning Man as a bike repair helper! Learn how...

This is one of those rare opportunities to combine your love for bikes with your love of alternative social scenes and attend one of the most unique human experiences on the planet.

Playa Bike Repair is looking for women and men who have some mechanical aptitude for bike repair of all levels to join their tribe at the Burning Man festival this summer! 

What do you need? Well watch the video below and get the details! But dont wait, they need to select the people as soon as possible and they need a ton of people because event attendees bring bike. Lots and lots of bikes.

When you check out the site, their camp is amazing too, after all, you are helping others have a great time also, so you should get treated accordingly.

How do YOU get to burning man?

Good the video and find out.

We hope to see you there..


Want to see more video of the camp last year.? We thought so...check this one out...

Location: News >> Attend Burning Man as a bike repair helper! Learn how...

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