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Arizona MTB Series Round 2 this weekend

February 6th, 2014 8:28am

Arizona MTB Series Round 2 this weekend

Arizona to Host Round 2 of the MBAA State point series this weekend.


The second round of the MBAA's Arizona XC  race series is this weekend at the White Tanks MTB park in Surprise Arizona. Following one of the biggest race turn outs I can remember at the season opener in McDowell Mtn , round two should be well attended and is scheduled to have more fantastic riding weather.  The White Tanks has seen some trail maintenance performed on the more technical sections of the climb and descent near the back part of the course (Thanks to the amazing MTB volunteers last week - you know who you are) - so the course should be in pretty good shape.


Although this is part of the MBAA points series, you do not have to participate in the points chase to race in any of the races in the series. The MBAA Crew challenges all those California, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah riders who can make the trip to come on down / over and have fun in the Arizona sun. Lets see how your winter form is holding up. Most importantly, come on over and have some fun on a good mountain bike course.


It was great to see such a great turnout of young riders at the last event thanks in part to the super successful inaugural high school season. The Arizona young riders scene is really looking strong and their future is looking bright.


Details of the race are below. Links to signup are here

arizona mtb racing photoWHITE TANKS WHIRLWIND
The second race in the series is just around the corner.  Be sure to get signed up and set up your profile (it takes just 5 min). 

February 8, 2014

White Tanks Regional Park
20304 W. White Tank Mountain Road
Waddell, AZ 85355

White Tank Regional Park is a fun course, mixed in with a smidge of technical riding.  White Tanks is part of the Maricopa County Regional parks and has long been a staple of the MBAA for good reason, it’s close to the Phoenix Metro area, fun and offers up some great riding.

From central Phoenix, take I -10 west towards LA they will take exit 125 (Sarival).  At Sarival they will take a Right on to Sarival.  Next street will be McDowell they will take a Left at McDowell.  Follow McDowell till you reach the 303 and make a Right on the 303.  Follow the 303 till you reach Northern and make a Left onto Northern.  Follow Northern till you reach Cotton and make a Right onto Cotton.  Follow Cotton till you reach Olive and make a Left onto Olive and follow Olive to the park.  Follow park road all the way till it ends to the Competitive track location. ​​
From the North - If those coming down the 303 from the North  then they will follow 303 till they reach Cactus and make a Right onto Cactus and follow Cactus till they reach Cotton and make a Left.  Follow Cotton till you reach Olive and make a Right on Olive.  Follow Olive to the Park.  Once at the park follow may park road till the end of the park road to the Competitive track.

​There is a $6 per vehicle entrance fee for this park.​​


Location: News >> Arizona MTB Series Round 2 this weekend

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