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3D - Animation of YOUR Ride with ReTrack

September 6th, 2013 1:55pm

3D - Animation of YOUR Ride with ReTrack

Record and Watch Your Ride in 3D animation


While everyone focuses on bike technology and the odd electronics firms coming out with their POV camera set up, a little company called ReTrack is launching a new system that captures your ride and transforms it into a 3D animated video through a simple smart phone application. Through the use of a 3D sensor worn on the helmet, the system scans everything from the trail to the surroundings enabling it to recreate the scene and render it in 3D.  The capture is sent to your smart phone via blue tooth to generate the animation. You can watch yourself ride from the third party perspective. It even generates a helicopter view of you riding.


The video/animation can be uploaded and shared for the world to see. If you always wanted to be Bugs Bunny, Pepe Le Pew or Scooby Doo, now is your chance.


Want to help the company get off the ground?? The company is offering early bird adopters the chance to buy the technology for just 99 lbs or approximately $198 USD and you will be the first of your friends to produce a realistic animatronic movie of your ride. For that price alone it would be a blast.


Here is how you can order it.





Location: News >> 3D - Animation of YOUR Ride with ReTrack

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